Collin Eye

A narrative game set in World War II where the player tells the story thru characters writing letters.

Rendering Experiments

I have always been interested in painterly techniques in games. But when working on this project I wanted to try a more straightforward approach. I was inspired by how technical artists are able to use their tools in really expressive and unique ways, so I thought I'd try a "texture only" approach as opposed to trying something with compute shaders or a post-process effect.

I used tri-planar mapping because I did not want to spend time UVing meshes. This was nota great call for performance (tho it may be worth investigating ways to speed it up).

The biggest shortcoming of the technique I think is the lack of artistic input and direction. Things like a scar, or a rosey hue to the cheeks would be impossible to achieve. One area I'd like to explore is using UV maps and supplemental textures which the artis can use to provide some direction.