Hello, I'm Collin Eye. I'm a game developer and teacher based in Dallas Texas.
I released my first commercial game Changes in October 2021. It's a sokoban-style puzzle game about narrative structures emerging from a cellular automata. I developed the game part-time starting in 2018 in a custom game engine. I did all the game design, a majority of the programming, and audio.
I'm interested in games that let the player explore ideas and interact with systems to produce meaningful moments. One area of design I've been particularly interested in is "player as performer" where the vocabulary of the game is used to explore the narrative and express the player's interpretation.
I have been teaching game programming and design full time at Dallas College since 2019. I developed the entire programming curriculum for the 2-year associates degree. I designed the degree to teach strong programming fundamentals and leverage that technical knowledge to pursue the craft of game design. In their first year students learn low-level programming in C++, linear algebra for games, and begin desiging games. In their second year they are introduced to many domains of game programming (engine architecture, rendering, physics) and continue their design work to create a portfolio highlighting their skills and interests.